What Tree Does Myrrh Come From: Unveiling the Secrets of this Precious Resin

Written by: Igneous Products



Time to read 4 min


Welcome to the enchanting world of myrrh, a resinous treasure that has captured human fascination for centuries. The myrrh tree, with its aromatic resin, has a rich history and a range of applications. In this comprehensive article, we'll delve deep into the different types of myrrh trees, the intricate process of harvesting myrrh, and the ancient uses of this precious substance. Join us on this aromatic journey into the heart of the myrrh tree!

The Myrrh Tree: A Brief Overview

Before we explore the specifics, let's start with a fundamental question: What tree does myrrh come from? The myrrh tree belongs to the genus Commiphora, which comprises over 190 species. These trees are primarily found in arid regions of Africa and the Middle East, thriving in hot and dry climates.

Types of Myrrh Trees

When it comes to myrrh, not all trees are created equal. There are several types of myrrh trees, each with its unique properties and characteristics. Let's take a closer look at some of them:

1. Commiphora Myrrha (True Myrrh)

True Myrrh, scientifically known as Commiphora myrrha, is the most renowned and sought-after variety. It is native to the Arabian Peninsula and produces a resin with a distinct, rich fragrance. This is the myrrh variety most often associated with historical and spiritual significance.

2. Commiphora Erythraea (Sweet Myrrh)

Sweet Myrrh, or Commiphora Erythraea, is another notable myrrh variety. It derives its name from its sweeter aroma compared to True Myrrh. This variety is native to East Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, making it a valuable source of myrrh resin.

3. Commiphora Molmol (African Myrrh)

African Myrrh, scientifically known as Commiphora molmol, is found in various regions of Africa. It is distinct for its resin, which is often used in traditional medicine and rituals. The myrrh flower of this tree blooms in clusters, adding to its allure.

4. Commiphora Wightii (Indian Myrrh)

Indian Myrrh, or Commiphora wightii, is native to the Indian subcontinent. This variety has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries and is recognized for its therapeutic properties.

Different types of myrrh tree commiphora tree

The Harvesting Process: From Tree to Resin

Harvesting myrrh is a meticulous process that requires expertise and care. It's crucial to preserve both the quality of the resin and the well-being of the myrrh tree itself.

1. Selection of the Myrrh Trees

The first step in the harvesting process involves selecting the appropriate myrrh trees. Experienced harvesters identify mature trees with resin-rich gum.

2. Scoring the Bark

To obtain the resin, the bark of the myrrh tree is carefully scored or incised. This delicate process involves making precise cuts to stimulate the tree to produce resin as a defense mechanism.

3. Collection of Resin

Over time, the myrrh tree exudes resin, which forms droplets on the incisions. Harvesters collect these resin droplets, taking care not to harm the tree further.

4. Drying and Sorting

Once collected, the resin is left to dry naturally. It hardens into resin tears or gum, which are then sorted based on quality.

5. Quality Control

Quality control personnel, like those at Igneous Products, play a vital role in ensuring that only the finest myrrh resin reaches customers. They meticulously inspect the resin for purity, aroma, and overall quality.

The Harvesting Process: From myrrh Tree to Resin

Myrrh in Ancient Times: Uses and Significance

Throughout history, myrrh has held a special place in various cultures for its versatility and mystical allure. Let's uncover some of the ancient uses and significance of myrrh:

1. Medicinal Elixir

In ancient times, myrrh was considered a medicinal elixir. It was used to treat a wide range of ailments, from digestive issues to respiratory problems. Its natural healing properties made it a valuable commodity.

2. Religious Rituals

Myrrh played a significant role in religious rituals across different cultures. It was often burned as incense, releasing its aromatic essence as an offering to the divine.

4. Luxury Perfume

Myrrh's exquisite fragrance made it a sought-after ingredient in perfumes and cosmetics. It added a touch of luxury to personal grooming.

Myrrh in Ancient Times: Uses and Significance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What is the myrrh tree's scientific name?

Ans: The myrrh tree belongs to the genus Commiphora, with various species such as Commiphora myrrha and Commiphora erythraea.

Q2: Where is myrrh primarily sourced from?

Ans: Myrrh is primarily sourced from arid regions of Africa and the Middle East.

Q3: Can myrrh resin be used for skincare and beauty purposes?

Ans: Yes, myrrh resin is valued in skincare for its natural benefits, including promoting healthy skin.

Q4: What is the significance of myrrh in religious rituals?

Ans: Myrrh is often burned as incense in religious rituals as an offering to the divine.

Q5: How is the quality of myrrh resin ensured?

Ans: Quality control personnel inspect myrrh resin for purity, aroma, and overall quality.

Q6: What is the historical significance of myrrh as a gift?

Ans: Myrrh was considered a valuable and honorable gift in various cultures and is famously mentioned in the Bible as one of the gifts to the newborn Jesus.
Myrrh sorts in london warehouse


The myrrh tree, with its diverse species and rich history, continues to captivate us with its aromatic resin. From the harvesting process that requires precision to the ancient uses that span medicine, religion, and luxury, myrrh holds a special place in our world. As you explore the products offered by brands like Igneous Products, you're not just purchasing resin; you're connecting with a legacy that dates back centuries. Embrace the enchantment of myrrh and experience its timeless allure for yourself.